In Celebration of

Jean H. Picard

January 14, 1923 -  March 23, 2020

Annick, sa compagne, Valérie, sa fille, Philippe, son gendre, et Lucas, son petit-fils, ont la tristesse de vous faire part du décès de Jean H. Picard.
Jean Picard est né en France et a émigré au Canada en 1947. D’abord dessinateur, puis directeur d’usine devenu propriétaire.
Il siégea sur de nombreux conseils d’administration, dont le Conseil de l’Industrie Textile (CTI), le Centre de recherche Industriel du Québec (CRIC), le Conseil Canadien pour les aveugles, dont il occupa la Présidence pendant de nombreuses années. Il fut membre du comité des finances du Musée des beaux-arts du Canada et membre de l’un des comités d’acquisition du Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal, étant lui-même passionné et collectionneur d’art.
Membre de l’Ordre National du Canada pour son influence sur l’industrie textile canadienne et son implication citoyenne.
Les funérailles ont eu lieu dans la plus stricte intimité en raison de la pandémie.

Annick, his companion, Valérie, his daughter, Philippe, his son-in-law,and Lucas, his grandson, inform you of the death of Jean H. Picard.
Jean Picard was born in France and emigrated to Canada in 1947. First a designer, then a factory manager who became an owner, this professional development will give way to a significant career in the Canadian textile industry.

He sat on numerous boards of directors, including the Textile Industry Council (CTI), the Quebec Industrial Research Center (CRIC), the Canadian Council of the Blind, of which he held the Presidency for many years. He was a member of the committee of finance of the National Gallery of Canada and a member of one of the acquisition committee of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, being himself an art collector.

Member of the National Order of Canada for his influence on the Canadian textile industry and his worthy civic involvement.

Given the circumstances of the pandemic, the funeral was held privately.


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