À la mémoire de

Jacques Silas Guillon

27 juillet 1922 -  7 juin 2020

C’est avec une profonde tristesse que la famille annonce le décès de Jacques Silas Guillon, âgé de 97 ans, le 7 juin, 2020, à Montréal.

Né à Paris le 27 juillet 1922, Jacques émigre au Canada en 1939 pour rejoindre les Forces canadiennes en tant que pilote de Spitfire, pendant la 2e guerre mondiale. Il aura été un des grands hommes de sa génération, notamment en tant que fondateur du bureau de design GSM, co-fondateur de l’association de Design Industriel du Canada, responsable du design du Pavillon de l’Homme pour Expo 67, du Métro de Montréal, et de plusieurs projets remarquables dont la Chaise Nylon exposée au Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) de New York.

Il laisse dans le deuil son seul et grand amour, son épouse (de 67 ans) Edythe (Pego) MacNaughton Guillon et ses cinq filles, Marie, Simone (François), Chantal, Dominique (Stéphane) et Pascale (Stephen). Il fut le grand papa inspirant de 14 petits-enfants, Stéphanie (décédée en 2014), Philippe, Vicky, Alexandre, Sophie, Jonathan, Vincent, William, Laurent, Arthur, Olivier, Julie, Fiona et Kieran, ainsi que ses trois arrière-petites-filles, Romi, Keira et Leona.

Un grand merci au personnel de chez Golden Home Care pour leur merveilleux service ainsi qu’un grand merci au Dre. Annie Thibault et Kathie Lavoie, infirmière du CLSC de Verdun.

En raison de la pandémie, les funérailles seront célébrées dans l’intimité.
Un hommage plus élaboré sera organisé lorsque nous serons tous moins à risque.


It is with great sadness that the family of Jacques Silas Guillon announces his passing, at age 97 years, in Montreal on June 7, 2020.

Born in Paris on July 27, 1922, Jacques emigrated to Canada in 1939 to join the World War II effort as a Spitfire fighter pilot. He went on to become a singular, esteemed figure of his generation, founder of the design firm GSM, co-founder of the Association of Canadian Industrial Designer and responsible for the design of the Pavillon de l’Homme at Expo 67, the Montreal Métro, many of the City’s breakthrough building designs, as well as the iconic Cord Chair, part of the permanent collection at the MOMA in New York.

Jacques is survived by his one true love, his wife (of 67 years), Edythe (Pego) MacNaughton Guillon, as well as his five daughters Marie, Simone (François), Chantal, Dominique (Stéphane) and Pascale (Stephen). He was the inspiring granddad to 14 grandchildren, Stéphanie (deceased in 2014), Philippe, Vicky, Alexandre, Sophie, Jonathan, Vincent, William, Laurent, Arthur, Olivier, Julie, Fiona and Kieran, as well as great-granddaughters Romi, Keira and Leona.

Many thanks to the staff at Golden Home Care for their wonderful service; many thanks to Dr. Annie Thibault and Kathie Lavoie, nurse from the Verdun CLSC.

Due to the pandemic, family funeral services will be held in privacy.
A more formal and final tribute will be arranged when we will all be less at risk.

Livre d'or 

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Holly Jensen (Family Friend)

Entré 11 juin 2020 de Moncton New Brunswick

What a great man and a great life! Sending you all lots of love and may the memories bring you solace. Xo

Allan Martin (Friend of his daughter Dominique)

Entré 11 juin 2020 de St Lazare

I am sorry for the passing of your father
Your friend Allan

Rosie Jutras (Friend)

Entré 11 juin 2020 de Heber City, Utah

Wow, what a grand gentleman he was, I was so proud of all he did and what an inspiration to the generations in his following. I know he was well loved by his big family who he cherished and waited for to gather at the lake house as often as they could. I will remember him fondly. Love to all of you.

Robert (Bob) Taylor (Friend of Dominique)

Entré 11 juin 2020 de Dollard des Ormeaux

What a beautiful tribute to your dad! I remember years ago you sharing some of his feats but now reading about his many accomplishments, all I can say is "wow!

My deepest condolences to you and your entire family.
with love

Vicky Richardson (Friend of the daughters)

Entré 11 juin 2020 de Kelowna

My sincere condolences to to all the Guillon family and he certainly leaves behind many grandchildren and great grandchildren! What a talented man he was with many accomplishments, the best a long and loving marriage and beautiful daughters! Hugs to all of you and such good memories to cherish.


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