In Celebration of

Eugenio Carelli

May 22, 1960 -  May 8, 2019

Le 8 mai, est décédé paisiblement mais soudainement, Eugenio Carelli, fils de Maria et Mario Carelli.

Il laisse dans le deuil Marie-Claude Lambert, sa conjointe depuis 32 ans, ainsi que ses enfants adorés Alexandre et Juliette dans la vie desquels il laisse un vide immense. Pleurent aussi son départ, sa sœur Gilda (Johnny Calabrese) et son frère Robert (Connie Scuccimarri), son beau-frère Pierre et ses belles sœurs Dominique (Martin Wong) et Geneviève (Alexandre Blouin), ses nombreux neveux et nièces (David et Megan, Emily et Jenna, Florence, Charles, Hubert, et Mathieu, Arthur et Victoire) ainsi que plusieurs parents et amis.

Architecte chez Provencher Roy depuis plus de 25 ans, il avait été nommé associé en 2010. Eugenio était apprécié de ses pairs et de ses collègues qui reconnaissaient son talent et aimaient son humilité, son intégrité, sa générosité et sa grande sensibilité. Son engagement dans la profession s’est aussi traduit par les charges d’enseignement qu’il a assumé avec bonheur à l’Université McGill et plus récemment à l’Université de Montréal. Eugenio considérait la transmission du savoir et le partage des connaissances comme des éléments incontournables de la pratique et appréciait partager, discuter et échanger avec ses étudiants.

Passionné de sports, il avait couru le marathon à deux reprises, fait de nombreuses randonnées pédestres avec sa famille, chevauchait son vélo dès les premiers jours de beau temps et nageait assidûment plusieurs fois par semaine. Il suivait passionnément ses équipes favorites et discutait avec ferveur de l’actualité sportive avec ses proches et collègues. Engagé activement dans les activités sportives de ses enfants, il leur a transmis son amour du sport.
Eugenio était un ami fidèle. De nature discrète, il ne s’imposait jamais, mais savait offrir à tous une écoute attentive et empathique. Il continuera à vivre au travers de ceux qu’il a aimés.

La famille recevra les condoléances au Complexe funéraire Mont-Royal le dimanche 19 mai, de 19 h à 21 h ainsi que le lundi 20 mai, de 10 h à 12 h.

La cérémonie religieuse aura lieu le lundi 20 mai à 12 h à la chapelle du complexe funéraire Mont-Royal.
Au lieu de fleurs, la famille vous suggère un don à la société Alzheimer ou tout autre organisme caritatif de votre choix.


With great sadness the family announces the sudden, but peaceful passing of Eugenio Carelli on May 8.

Cherished son of Maria and Mario Carelli, he is also survived by Marie-Claude Lambert, his spouse of 32 years, and his beloved children Alexandre and Juliette in whose lives he leaves an immense emptiness. He leaves his sister Gilda (Johnny Calabrese) and his brother Robert (Connie Scuccimarri), his brother-in-law Pierre and his sisters-in-law Dominique (Martin Wong) and Geneviève (Alexandre Blouin), his many nephews and nieces (David and Megan, Emily and Jenna, Florence, Charles, Hubert, and Mathieu, Arthur and Victoire) as well as his many relatives and friends, who are deeply saddened and miss him dearly.

Eugenio was an architect valued by his peers and colleagues, who recognized his humility, integrity, generosity and great sensitivity. Committed to the firm Provencher Roy for over 25 years, he was appointed partner in 2010. His commitment to his profession was also evidenced by his teaching positions at McGill University and more recently at Université de Montréal, which he took on with joy and pleasure. He appreciated his opportunity in sharing, discussing and exchanging with his students. Eugenio considered the transmission of know-how, the sharing of knowledge as essential elements of practice.

A great sports enthusiast, he had run the marathon twice, hiked extensively with his family, hopped on his bike as soon as weather allowed and swam scrupulously several times a week. He followed his favorite teams assiduously and discussed sporting news passionately with friends and colleagues. Actively involved in his children’s sporting activities, he passed on his love of sports to them
Eugenio was a faithful friend. A person of discreet demeanour, he never imposed himself, but was an empathic and careful listener. He shall live on through those he loved.

The family will receive condolences at Mont Royal Funeral Complex on Sunday May 19 from 7pm to 9pm and on Monday May 20 from 10am to 12pm.

The funeral mass will be held on Monday May 20 at 12pm in the chapel of the Mont Royal Funeral Complex.

In lieu of flowers, the family kindly suggests a donation to the Alzheimer Society or to any other charitable organization of your choice.


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Gilla Geiger (Friend)

Entered May 17, 2019

Marie-Claude my heart aches for you, your kids and your extended family. There are no words one can express to ease your pain. I hope that in the coming days, weeks and months you will be able to find some peace and comfort from your loved ones around you.

Clotilde St-Onge (Mon père Mario Vitale était le frère de Irene Carelli)

Entered May 17, 2019 from Oakville, ON

À toute la famille Carelli, nous offrons nos plus sincères et profondes condoléances. Je me rappelle quand Eugenio était tout jeune quand nous habitions dans le même quartier. Je l'ai revu il y a quelques années. Nos pensées sont avec vous.

Clotilde (Vitale) et Jean-Maurice St-Onge & Famille

Maria DeCicco (Classmate and friend)

Entered May 17, 2019 from Montreal

My condolences to the family.
May your memories of him be a source of comfort and courage as you grieve his loss. Reggie, as we called him in high school and college was funny, kind and caring.
We shared lots of laughs and beers with the gang and I will always cherish those memories.
Good bye Reggie, may you rest in eternal peace.

Susan Renella Jenco (Loving Cousin)

Entered May 18, 2019 from Long Island, New York

Dear Marie-Claude- my sincerest condolences to you and your family at this time.
In my heart and in my prayer you and the entire Carelli family dwell, especially in these difficult days. I will always remember with great fondness the summers we shared while we were growing up. Wonderful memories of times at the beach and visits to New York City. He is loved and cherished and will be deeply missed by all of us here.

Antonella D’Attellis (Roberto Camarra) (Friend (childhood))

Entered May 18, 2019 from 1912 rue de Bucarest

We are deeply saddened to learn of Reggie’s passing. Our deepest condolences to his wife, children, parents, siblings and extended family.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. May God give you peace and courage in the days ahead!