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Dr. Allison David Macdonald
June 3, 1921 - February 7, 2015
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<div itemprop="description">It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Allison David after a brief illness. <br /> <br />Predeceased by his father Allan J., his mother Willina Martin, his sister Flora and brothers Jack, William, and Stewart, the mother of his children Dorothy Liddy and his second wife Mella Robadey . He lost his sons David and Steven. <br /> <br />He leaves to mourn his spouse Dr. El&eacute;onore Paquet, his children Allan (Nadine Noory) , Robert (Corazon Badiang), Douglas, Janet (Abbie Akbari) and Heather, his cherished grandchildren Michael, Adrian, Jonathan and William, along with his friend and niece Louise. <br /> <br />Others that had passed before him in our Macdonald , Robadey and Paquet families enriched him while alive. The living are sharing and consoling each other in loss. <br /> <br />Born in Albion Cross (Dundas) P.E.I. to a loving and modest farm home, he excelled in his one room school house. He graduated from Acadia University with his BSc. He served his country in WWII as a lieutenant in the Navy. He graduated in medicine with distinction from McGill at the tender age of 22. He then began to serve his community. Known to most as Dr. A.D., to his friends and colleagues he was Al. He was on staff at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal. He graduated with his M.R.C.P. (Membership of the Royal College of Physicians) from Edinburgh, Scotland in 1957. He was a well known and respected cardiologist and internist. Many knew him as Director of Executive Health at the Royal Victoria. He and his last assistant, Mrs. Pauline Wilson, greeted their patients at his private office in the Seaforth Medical He was the company doctor at Stelco, well known to the Chinese community, he consulted in their hospital on Viger St. <br /> <br />His passion for learning never ebbed. Later in life he decided to learn French. With his characteristic determination he became quite fluent. In his eighties, he took day courses at the University of Quebec at Trois Rivieres, studying Quebec culture and driving himself back and forth from Quebec City just to attend. This was the Dr. A.D. Macdonald we knew. <br /> <br />His final days were spent at Laval&rsquo;s Institut Universitaire de Cardiologie and Pneumologie de Quebec. We thank the staff for the care and comfort. Their sensitivity, compassion and professionalism could not be equaled. Donations to the (IUCPQ) or to the Royal Victoria Hospital foundation in his name would be appreciated. <br /> <br />Visitation will take place at Mount Royal Funeral Complex, 1297 Chemin de la Foret, Outremont on February 12, 2015 from 15h to 17h and 19h to 21h. <br />A Service will be held at the Church of St.Andrew and St. Paul, 3415 Redpath Street, Montreal, Friday, February 13, at 10:30 a.m. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Dr. A.D. Macdonald <br /> <br />3 juin 1921 &ndash; 7 f&eacute;vrier 2015 <br /> <br />C&rsquo;est avec tristesse que nous devons vous annoncer le d&eacute;c&egrave;s d&rsquo;Allison David des suites d&rsquo;une courte maladie. <br />Il rejoint maintenant les gens qu&rsquo;il a aim&eacute; et qui sont partis avant lui; son p&egrave;re Allan J., sa m&egrave;re Willina Martin, sa soeur Flora, ses fr&egrave;res Jack, William et Stewart, la m&egrave;re de ses enfants Dorothy Liddy et son &eacute;pouse en seconde noce Mella Robadey, ainsi que ses fils David et Steven. <br />Il laisse dans le deuil son &eacute;pouse Dr. El&eacute;onore Paquet, ses enfants Allan (Nadine Noory), Robert (Corazon Badiang), Douglas, Janet (Abbie Akbari) et Heather, ses petits-enfants ador&eacute;s Michael, Adrian, Jonathan et William, ainsi que son amie et ni&egrave;ce Louise. <br />Ceux des familles Macdonald, Robadey et Paquet qui l&rsquo;ont pr&eacute;c&eacute;d&eacute; dans la mort avaient enrichi sa vie. Ceux qui restent partagent la peine et se supportent mutuellement. <br /> <br />N&eacute; &agrave; Albion Cross (Dundas) &agrave; l&rsquo;&Icirc;le du Prince-&Eacute;douard sur les terres d&rsquo;une ferme accueillante bien que modeste, il excellait &agrave; l&rsquo;&eacute;cole. Il a gradu&eacute; de l&rsquo;Universit&eacute; Acadia dipl&ocirc;m&eacute; en Sciences. Il a servi sa patrie lors de la Deuxi&egrave;me Guerre Mondiale comme lieutenant dans la Marine. Il a obtenu son dipl&ocirc;me en m&eacute;dicine avec distinction de l&rsquo;Universit&eacute; McGill &agrave; l&rsquo;&acirc;ge de 22 ans pour ensuite commencer &agrave; servir sa communaut&eacute;. Connu par plusieurs comme Dr. A.D., ses amis et coll&egrave;gues l&rsquo;appelaient tout simplement Al. Il s&rsquo;est joint &agrave; l&rsquo;&eacute;quipe de l&rsquo;h&ocirc;pital Royal Victoria &agrave; Montr&eacute;al. Il a gradu&eacute; du Coll&egrave;gue Royal des M&eacute;decins &agrave; &Eacute;dimbourg en &Eacute;cosse en 1957 en obtenant son M.R.C.P. (Membership of the Royal College of Physicians). Il &eacute;tait un cardiologue et interniste bien connu et respect&eacute;. Beaucoup l&rsquo;ont connu comme Directeur Ex&eacute;cutif en Sant&eacute; de l&rsquo;h&ocirc;pital Royal Victoria. Son assistante, Mme Pauline Wilson, et lui-m&ecirc;me accueillait maintenant leurs patients dans son bureau de consultation priv&eacute; au Seaforth Medical. Il &eacute;tait aussi le m&eacute;decin consultant pour la compagnie Stelco, bien connue de la communaut&eacute; chinoise, il voyait les patients &agrave; leur h&ocirc;pital sur la rue Viger. <br />Sa passion d&rsquo;apprendre ne s&rsquo;est jamais &eacute;teinte. M&ecirc;me en son &acirc;ge d&rsquo;or, il a d&eacute;cid&eacute; de perfectionner le fran&ccedil;ais. Et avec la d&eacute;termination qu&rsquo;on lui connaissait, il a r&eacute;ussi &agrave; le parler couramment. M&ecirc;me apr&egrave;s avoir c&eacute;l&eacute;br&eacute; son 80e anniversaire, il poursuivi des &eacute;tudes sur la culture Qu&eacute;b&eacute;coise &agrave; l&rsquo;Universit&eacute; du Qu&eacute;bec &agrave; Trois-Rivi&egrave;res, conduisant aller-retour de la ville de Qu&eacute;bec pour assister &agrave; ses cours. Cet homme est le Dr. A.D. que nous avons connu. <br /> <br />Il a v&eacute;cu ses derniers jours &agrave; l&rsquo;Institut Universitaire de Cardiologie et de Pneumonie Laval &agrave; Qu&eacute;bec. Nous tenons &agrave; remercier toute l&rsquo;&eacute;quipe pour les soins et le r&eacute;confort prodigu&eacute;s. Leur sensibilit&eacute;, compassion et professionnalisme ont &eacute;t&eacute; sans &eacute;gal. Des dons &agrave; l'institut universitaire de cardiologie et de pneumologie de Qu&eacute;bec ou &agrave; la fondation de l'h&ocirc;pital Royal Victoria en son nom sera grandement appr&eacute;ci&eacute;s. <br /> <br />Visites auront lieu au Complexe Fun&eacute;raire Mont-Royal, 1297 Chemin de la For&ecirc;t, Outremont, Qu&eacute;bec, H2V 2P9, 514-279-6540 le jeudi 12 f&eacute;vrier 2015 de 15h &agrave; 17h ainsi que 19h &agrave; 21h. Un service aura lieu &agrave; l'&eacute;glise St. Andrew et St.Paul, 3415 rue Redpath, Montr&eacute;al le vendredi 13 f&eacute;vrier &agrave; 10h30. <br /> <br /></div>